Cantrell, Eva

Eva is a Cherokee artist and has lived most of her life in northeastern Oklahoma. She has always loved art in its many forms and decided to pair it with her love of her heritage. She has studied with Crystal Hanna, renowned Cherokee artist; and Jane Osti, Cherokee National Treasure. She has participated in Cherokee Art Market; Trail of Tears Art Show and Sale; and SWAIA. Eva’s art is characterized by the ancient motifs that have been found at various Indigenous Peoples ruins. What fascinates her most is the story behind the motif. What did it mean…what did it represent? Reproducing it gives her the opportunity to tell the story behind the piece. Her pottery is more than a piece of fired clay – it is knowledge; it is legend; it is tradition…

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Other Works of Interest:

Assorted Animal Ornaments

Description: Glazed ornaments with stamped animals
